Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homework # 2

Page 113
3. In 1789, Nobles hated absolutism and resented the royal bureaucracy that employed middle-class men in positions that had once been reserved for them. They feared losing their traditional privileges, especially their freedom from paying taxes. Third Estate resented the privileges enjoyed by their social "betters." Urban workers earned horrible wages and were taxed on everything. They felt it was very unfair.

5. Many issues arose when Louis XVI called the Estates-General. Many called for reforms such as fairer taxes, freedom of the press, or regular meetings of the Estates-General. In one town, shoemakers complained that leather was so expensive they could not even afford to make shoes. Servant girls demanded the right to be able to leave when they wanted, after serving a few years.
Page 119
2. The National Assembly voted to give up their old manorial dues, exclusive hunting rights, special legal status, and exemption from taxes.

3.The French Declaration of the Rights of Man is similar to the Declaration of Independence in that they both insist that governments exist to protect the natural rights of citizens. They both also proclaim that citizens are equal before the law.

5. The French Revolution caused The Legislative Assembly to have economic problems. The revolutionary currency dropped in value, causing prices to rise rapidly. Uncertainty about prices led to hoarding and caused additional food shortages. The sans-culottes and Jacobins demanded a republic. The Legislative Assembly survived for less than a year.

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