Friday, October 9, 2009

Homework #4

Page 153
1.What were the conditions under which the people of France lived that led to revolution rather than peace?
The people of France favored extreme change and were never happy if something changed that they didn't agree with.

2. Where did the revolution spread in 1830? Were these revolutions successful. Explain
The revolution spread to Belgium and it was successful because Belgium became an independent state.

3. Why did most of the revolutions of 1848 fail to achieve their goals?
Most of the revolutions failed because they had a poor government.

Page 160
1.How did social structure contribute to discontent in Latin America?
The Social classes, aside from the peninsulares, didn't like their status and resented the levels above them.

2. What was the first step in Haiti's road to independence? Why did creoles refuse to support Hidalgo and Morelos?
Haiti's first step was when Toussaint L'Ouverture lead the slave revolt. Creoles refused to support them because they felt their policies would cost them power.

3. Why did Bolivar admire the American and French Revolutions?
Bolivar dreamed of winning independence from Spain and he succeeded by freeing many countries.

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