Sunday, January 3, 2010

Scramble for Africa

1. What were the advantages and disadvantages of the larger countries? Explain
The advantages of having a big country was that those countries could split up and conquer more places faster than everyone else. The disadvantages were that it was harder for them to communicate because there were so many people to keep track of.
2. What difficulties were faced by the smaller countrie? Explain
The difficulties for the smaller groups were that they weren't able to conquer some of the places because they didn't have enough people in the group.
3. How did Belgium benefit from getting a head start? Explain
Belgium was able to get one place before anyone else had even started.
4. What problems may a foreign country encounter while a colonizing in Africa? Explain
The people that live there could be very hostile and not cooperate with the foreign countries, the land could be bad not not farmable.
5. In your own words, How would the smaller countries be able to compete against France and Britian?
The smaller countries couldnt compete against France and Britain very well.

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